Friday, July 5, 2019

The Calling Wind

It is a few minutes past midnight. Something calls me to the outside world. I step out into the night and the wind is blowing briskly. I walk down the road in the orange light of the streetlamps. My thoughts turn to prayers.

The wind rushes against me.

As I come to a curve the woods are on my right while the street turns to my left. I turn to my right. I face the woods and a darkened rain gutter smiling on the curb below. My shadow stands still on the pavement in front of me, its faceless head sitting just short of the gutter and the woods behind. I pray that I may never be afraid of the monsters in this world. I turn to walk with the street and see the darkness lifted off the gutter as the streetlamp casts its light over my vision.

The wind flows through my hair and across my face.

I come to a crossing. The cross street is well lit with a dark park on the other side. With no cars coming from either direction the park beckons. As I cross it is obvious I am leaving the light and entering into darkness. An irregular metallic strumming is the only sound to be heard other than the wind through the trees. As I inch deeper into the dark park I take a moment to turn. I see the cross street lit so well and the houses beyond that. Surprisingly, these feel more alien to me than the darkness that now surrounds me. I find a spot in the parking lot and I sit down.

The wind washes over me.

It washes through the trees. I pray that the Spirit that lives in all things moves through me. I pray that the Spirit that lives in me would move others as the wind moves the leaves. I pray that the wind would move me as it moves the clouds, with both subtlety and indomitable force. I pray that the Spirit would overwhelm me and embody itself within me.

I am overcome with the wind.

I stand and begin to return to the beginning. The shadows seem lighter. I pray a prayer that has been a mantra of mine for many years, "Bless me Father, that I may be a blessing to your children."

The wind is at my back.
I am walking with it now.
And it is with me.

I pray to be blessed financially, so that I may be free to pursue the passions put on my heart. I pray that I may be blessed physically, so that I may have the strength to fulfill God's calling to me. I pray that I may be blessed socially, so that wherever I go I may inspire community. I pray that this is more than just where it is intentional, but rather a blessing that is simply inherent. Finally, I pray that I may be blessed spiritually so that I may not lead others astray, but rather simply take them by the hand and walk with them home. And as I look up from my prayer, I approach the porch where the night began.

The wind seems to whisper softly over my shoulder, letting me know that it is always with me, as I return home.

#boothabroad #almosthome

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